CoHE Opens Website on COVID-19 

May 8, 2020 ​​

CoHE opened the website “Briefing on COVID-19" to announce the works as well as the management and legislative decisions made by CoHE to the public, national and international academic community during the global pandemic.

CoHE's management and legislative decisions on the COVID-19 global pandemic are listed in chronological order on the website. The surveys and graphics showing the assessment of the situation regarding the distance education at universities are also presented.

The COVID-19 Higher Education Road Map showcases the events that have been taking place during the global pandemic in a chronological order starting from December 31, 2019, when the cases of pneumonia related to an unknown factor were reported in Wuhan, China.

CoHE President Saraç Thanks Academics, Administrators and Students…

In a message posted on the website, CoHE President Prof. Yekta Saraç thanked academics, administrators and students for their contributions to higher education, their values and trust.

He stated that it was a meaningful and important accomplishment to carry out education and training remotely and online without delay during this trying period. “The website was opened to announce the works as well as the management and legislative decisions made by the Council of Higher Education to the public, national and international academic community during the COVID-19 global pandemic. In addition, the links of the official websites of universities will also be included on the website to announce the works that Turkish universities have created and carried out in this regard" he wrote.

CoHE President Saraç's article entitled “Preparing a National Road Map for Online Higher Education", which was published in Anadolu Agency (AA) in different languages, was also published on the website.

Click the link below to visit the website “Briefing on COVID-19":


Source: AA

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