CoHE Scholarship Holders Meet CoHE Executive Board Members in Ankara

October 22-23, 2017 / Ankara

Some international undergraduate and doctoral students who are receiving education at various Turkish universities gathered in Ankara in order to take part in a one-day cultural tour organized by the Council of Higher Education.

They came to Ankara on October 22, 2017. The next morning, they went to the Parliament to have a parliamentary tour which included the visit of the Parliament, the campus and the General Assembly Hall. After the lunch hosted by Keçiören Municipality at Esztergom Castle, students visited Hacı Bayram Mosque and its surroundings and had the chance to see the historical district of Hamamönü. They were welcomed at the African Cultural House and then went to the Council of Higher Education.

Students from Albania, Bangladesh, Kosovo, Macedonia and Pakistan met with CoHE Deputy President Prof. Dr. M. i. Safa Kapıcıoğlu, CoHE Executive Board Members Prof. Dr. Rahmi Er, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şişman, Prof. Dr. Ömer Açıkgöz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeliha Koçak Tufan, CoHE Secretary General Süleyman Necati Akçeşme, deputy secretary generals, the staff of the Department of International Relations and the head and staff of the Department of Academic Exchange and Support Program at CoHE Conference Hall. CoHE Deputy President Prof. Dr. M. İ. Safa Kapıcıoğlu made the opening speech. After the speech by CoHE Executive Board Member Prof. Dr. Rahmi Er and a brief presentation on Turkish higher education system, students introduced themselves. They expressed their appreciation for the program and talked about the challenges. During the dinner given at CoHE, they had the opportunity to talk about their problems with the members and employees of CoHE. All of the students were very satisfied with this meeting and the employees of CoHE sent them off to the cities where their universities are located.


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