What is the ISCED?

ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) which was developed by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), is contrived as a tool for collection of education statistics and comparable indicators, for compiling and their presentation at both national and international level. ISCED presents standard concept, definition and classification. ISCED which was first published in 1976, has been revised in 1997 and used for the purpose of determination of policy for education, and for facilitating the data collection by many countries so far. In 2010, UNESCO entered in the process of consultation and displayed ISCED 2011 draft documents. Publishing of the documents officially at the beginning of 2011 is anticipated.

ISCED-1997 purveys the criteria with an advanced description set for the international comparability in the classification of educational programs according to the educational level and disciplines.

It is aimed to make ISCED-1997 applicable regardless of its level, with a view to being universal. It is designed as a tool to collect both national and international comparable educational statistics and indicators and to present them.

The information above was cited from the report that was translated by Turkish Statistics Institute. If you want to reach whole information you can visit:

http://tuikapp.tuik.gov.tr/DIESS/DosyaListeleAction.do?turId=1&tanimlayan_id=101&adi=ISCED 1997 

If you want to see original document of ISCED-1997 you can

visit: http://www.unesco.org/education/information/nfsunesco/doc/isced_1997.htm


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