Wallonie-Bruxelles International offers scholarships for the summer semester of 2023;
- French language improvement course at Université Libre de Bruxelles. It will take place from July 15 to August 4, 2023 and requires language level A1. (For more information, visit https://ltc.ulb.be/les-langues/cours-de-vacances ) - 2 scholarships.
- Course for French language teachers or prospective teachers at the Catholic University of Louvain. It will take place from July 23 to August 12, 2023 and the B2 language level is required. (For more information, please visit https://uclouvain.be/prog-2022-fles8fc ) - 1 scholarship.
Candidates will be required to have the required level of French proficiency. Research fellowship candidates can apply for all research fellowships at www.wbi.be/bourses. The scholarships and application form can be found here![]()