Recognition of a HEIs is defined in the Regulations for Recognition and Equivalence of Foreign Higher Education Diplomas as "the recognition of the relevant university as an institution authorized to issue diplomas primarily by the competent authorities of the country in which it operates, being accredited by accreditation or quality assurance institutions, and being recognized by the CoHE".

The HEI that gives the diploma and the education program is primarily required;

    • to be recognized as an institution authorized to issue diplomas by the competent authorities of the country where it operates,
    • to be accredited by accreditation or quality assurance agencies/bodies,
    • to be recognized by the CoHE.


    Please visit the Recognition website for getting an official recognition document.

        Phone: 00 90 312 298 79 33 Fax: 00 90 312 266 47 44 E-mail: cohe@yok.gov.tr